Cardamom And Saffron Shrikhand

"My absolute favourite Indian dessert: SHRIKHAND Traditionally it's a simple mix of curd cheese and sugar, topped of with saffron, cardamom, nuts and fruit such as pomegranate depending on personal preferences. My mum made it with a Greek yoghurt and quark and cardamom topped with saffron, pistachio, pomegranate and almond. I remember my mum used to add tinned fruit and I'd always try get the cherries. it's only made on special occasions! Think it would make a great cheesecake topping!"
-- @kb.eats

Recipe Intro From kb.eats

Creamy and fragrant, a fabulous and colourful after dinner treat


Prep Time: 10 mins

Serves: 4 people



250g Greek yoghurt

250g curd cheese (preferable if not Quark works well)

⅛ tsp ground cardamom

½ small pomegranate (optional)

5 strands of saffron

1 tsp milk


10g almonds (thinly sliced)

10g pistachios (thinly sliced)

sprinkle of crushed saffron



In large bowl, mix together yoghurt, curd cheese/quark, cardamom, pomegranate (if using).

Warm milk in a bowl then add saffron strands and mix.

Fold milk and saffron mix to the rest of the ingredients. 

Empty Shrikhand into one large serving bowl or individual ramekins and top with almonds, pistachios and crushed saffron. 

Refrigerate until ready to serve.


Note: This can be made the day before being served.