Two Berkshire Pork Bellies

"Two Berkshire Pork Bellies hot outta the oven ! But not done yet... Going back in for "Crispy Cracklin' Skin". Finally some Fall weather, so oven on... Bellies in. Actually, this was one big long slab from @buyranchdirect. Just for fun, I cut it in half and put one on a toasty 'cedar plank' and the other on sliced onion. 300F for 2-3 hrs, out to rest 20 mins, then back in 500F convection (and a little broiler if necessary) 'til golden crispy skin that pops like pop-corn and crackles like rice krispies. Works every time."
-- @julesfood

Recipe Intro From julesfood

This is literally the pork belly of my dreams! Just look at that crispy skin! @JulesFood has not only given us one, but two amazing ways to eat yummy pork belly!

1 large pork belly slab, cut in half
1-2 Onions, sliced

1. Place one half on a toasty 'cedar plank'
2. Place the secon half on sliced onions.
3. Place both on a large sheet tray
4. Bake at 300F for 2-3 hrs
5. Remove from the oven to let it rest for 20 mins
6. Place it back in at 500F convection (and a little broiler if necessary) until the skin is golden crispy