Burger Benedict

"Who loves eggs benedict? Well why don’t we merge those two babies together, and make the Burger Benedict? It’s simple, it’s bizarre, and it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of."
-- @jessecudworth
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  • Recipe Card
Prep time 15mins
Cook time 25mins
Serves or Makes: 6

Recipe Card


  • 6 toasted Brioche Buns
  • 1 quart Canola Oil
  • 30 ounces Ground Beef
  • 6 Egg Yolks
  • 6 Farm Fresh Eggs
  • 1/2 pound Unsalted Butter
  • 1 Lemon
  • 5 Beefsteak Tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon Chili Flakes
  • 1 juice of Lime
  • 1 tbsp grated fine Ginger
  • 1/2 cup Granulated White Sugar
  • 2 grated Russet Potatoes
  • 3 slices Thick-cut Bacon
  • Salt & Fresh Cracked Black Pepper


  • Step 1

    Divide the ground beef into 5 oz balls. Place the ball of ground beef between two square sheets of parchment paper (roughly 6 inches by 6 inches) and smash them down with the bottom of a heavy pan. Use all your weight-- you want them nice and flat. Do this with all the balls of ground beef and then stick them into the refrigerator to rest while you prep your other items.

  • Step 2

    Separate out 6 egg yolks into a household blender. Allow the egg yolks to get to room temperature.

  • Step 3

    Place the 1/2 lb of butter into an oven-safe dish and melt in the oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the butter has completely melted-- carefully discard the fat floating on top by scraping it off with a slotted spoon. It doesn't have to be perfect. Remember-- fat is flavor. Transfer the butter to a measuring cup for pouring.

  • Step 4

    Turn the blender on its lowest speed and slowly add the butter-- a very, very small drizzle at first. It will start to thicken. Once the Hollandaise is slightly thick, squeeze 1 whole lemon's juice in. Continue adding butter till the Hollandaise forms thick ribbons falling from a spoon. Add salt at the very end-- the Hollandaise will lose it's color if you add it too soon. Put the Hollandaise into an oven-safe container and keep warm, stirring occasionally to keep a skin from forming. Beautiful.

  • Step 5

    Quarter the tomatoes and add them to a thick bottomed pot. Squeeze the lime into the pot and add the cumin, chili flakes and cinnamon. Add the sugar and set the pot over medium heat.

  • Step 6

    Grate the ginger on a microplane over the pot. You want to make sure you get all of the ginger's contents into the recipe. Feel the heat.

  • Step 7

    Allow for the tomatoes to cook over medium heat for 35 minutes-- it will reduce down into a thick jam. Yummy.

  • Step 8

    Carefully place into a jar and cool in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

  • Step 9

    Slice the Thick-cut bacon in half and then julienne lengthways so you’re left with about 2 ½ inch long matchsticks of bacon. Fry the bacon in a hot pan but not fully-- they should still be slightly soft. Place onto a napkin to dry off any excess bacon fat. Set aside.

  • Step 10

    Bring 1 quart of canola oil up to 375 degrees Fahrenheit in a thick bottomed pot.

  • Step 11

    Using a cheese grater’s medium side, grate the russet potatoes into a bowl. You should be left with long strips. Incorporate the bacon-matchsticks into the grated potatoes.

  • Step 12

    Once the canola oil is up to temp, careful sprinkle the bacon-russet mix into the pot-- one handful at a time. Flip the discs of frits with a large spoon once they begin crisping up on the sides. Pull Them out of the oil once they’re just past golden brown. Place on a napkin to absorb any excess oil.

  • Step 13

    Heat a medium sized non-stick skillet over high heat until a splash of water in the pan beads up and dances into oblivion. Carefully lay your patty into the pan, away from you and season with salt and fresh cracked pepper. Once the patty has turned grey on top, flip it and remove it from the heat.

  • Step 14

    Heat a small non-stick skillet over high heat and crack an egg into the pan. Leave it alone. A fried egg will never fry if you move it around. Once the sides become slightly crispy, turn off the flame and use the residual heat to finish the egg-- it’s finished when all the whites are matte.

  • Step 15

    Heat a medium sized non-stick skillet over medium heat. Brush a tiny amount of the hollandaise onto the brioche buns and slowly toast them up in the skillet. About 2 ½ minutes.

  • Step 16

    Spread 1 oz of the tomato jam on the bottom bun. Place the patty onto the jam and then top with the fried egg. Ladle 1 oz of the hollandaise sauce onto the fried egg. Finish with 4 oz of the Bacon-Russet frits and smash it down with the top bun.