Perfect Whole Roasted Chicken

"My love affair with chicken began when I was five years old and decided that it was the only thing that I would eat for every meal. For some reason my parents allowed this, in what I can only imagine was a baseless hope that, being five, I would lose interest within the hour. Having known me for five years, they should have known better. We settled in for a battle of wills that lasted until breakfast on day five when instead of the chicken dish that I was expecting, my father firmly placed a bowl of cream of wheat in front of me. So technically they gave up, and I won, right "
-- @martine.boyer

Recipe Intro From martine.boyer

Healthy, Dinner, Holiday Whole roasted chicken is one of those dishes that never gets old! It's particularly great during busy season when high demand for lean protein happens right when there is less time for cooking. Pulling a perfectly cooked chicken out of the oven still makes me feel like I'm in on a kitchen secret, it's so easy to prepare and so satisfying and nutritious to eat! This is a classic is a go-to for good reason.