Douglas Fir Ginger Bug

"Douglas Fir Ginger Bug, using tips I collected at Cornwall Park here in Bellingham. After three days, it's bubbling up and coming to life! Planning to make a Douglas Fir Ginger Ale. Should I add lime too?"
-- @dorcasgazelle

2 oz freshly grated ginger
2 handfuls of Douglass Fir tips, finely chopped
5 Tbsp natural cane sugar
2 cups unchlorinated, filtered water

Combine ginger, a couple of handfuls of Douglass Fir tips, natural cane sugar and unchlorinated water. Stir with non-metal spoon. Let it sit overnight covered with a towel.

Each day, for the next 4 days, add 1 Tbsp each of grated ginger, tips and sugar. Stir and cover.

It's 5 days total, then you will see some bubbling under the layer of ginger and tips. You can start using it to make fermented sodas/drinks.