Oven Roasted Turkey, Cranberry Sauce and Stuffing Sandwich

"Who says you can’t have a Thanksgiving Sandwich any day of the year?! When I lived in the Bay Area about a hundred years ago (it’s only been 2 but feels way longer) I would go to a sandwich shop called Me and My Friends in Pleasanton, CA where they were roasting turkeys every day to make Thanksgiving Day sandwiches with all the trimmings. They were total rebels by making that sandwich NOT just around Thanksgiving. Break the rules and make this #NextLevelLunch any day of the year using @Applegate Oven Roasted Turkey, it’s truly like freshly carved Thanksgiving turkey, add your favorite stuffing, cranberry sauce and serve in between two toasted ciabatta buns. It’s epically delicious! @thefeedfeed #feedfeed #contest"
-- @dashofsavory