Hummus Pita With Garden Greens

"Pita + hummus + everything you can gather from the garden [cucumber • zucchini • sunflowers • nasturtiums • greens] = love."
-- @celine_squared
1 can chickpeas or 1 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas1/4 c water
4-5 cloves roasted garlic (not raw!)
1 T apple cider vinegar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 t lemon zest
1/2 t cumin
1/2 t sea salt

Cold pressed olive oil
Fresh parsley or dill

Process all ingredients except toppings until smooth.
Add more water if necessary.
Taste and add more salt if needed.
Drizzle oil and chopped parsley/ dill over the top before serving.


I stuffed a pita with this hummus, fresh herbs, baby greens, cucumber strips and nasturtiums.