Shakshuka With Spring Onion & Cheese

"This holy mess here is something based on the picture I saw at @thefeedfeed.


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 large bulbs from spring onions or 1/2 sweet onion, diced
4 large, sweet, ripe tomatoes, sliced
4 eggs
1 tablespoon feta cheese
2 tablespoons soft goat cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
Fresh parsley if you have any

Saute onions in oil till translucent. Add tomatoes, cover and cook a few minutes, till soft. You can uncover them to let extra liquid to evaporate if you wish. Make four wells in the tomatoes and crack the eggs into them. Cover and cook a couple of minutes. When the eggs are almost done to your liking, sprinkle the cheeses on top, salt and pepper. Cover and cook a minute more. Serve (crusty bread works nicely here)."
-- @alina_who

Recipe Intro From alina_who

Breakfast, Brunch