How to make Cheese-Wrapped Pickles

The magic of this recipe lies in its simplicity and the surprising burst of flavor from just two ingredients. The crispy, melty cheese wrapped around the tangy pickle creates a perfect balance of textures and flavors. The crispy cheese melds beautifully with the tangy pickle. It’s quick to prepare, making it your new "guilty pleasure snack".

Cheese Wrapped Pickle Ingredients

Everything you need to make cheese and pickles.

Test Kitchen Notes

  • Cheese Selection: Not all cheese behaves the same when melted. Medium to hard cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss, and provolone work best as they offer a good balance of meltability and flavor without becoming too greasy or runny. Avoid very soft cheeses like brie or very hard cheeses like Parmesan, as they don't wrap well around the pickle.

    Pickle Type: Dill pickles are the most popular option due to their robust flavor, which pairs well with the richness of the cheese. However, sweet pickles can also be used. Consider the pickle's size and shape; smaller, firmer pickles are easier to wrap with cheese.

    Cooking Technique: Keep the heat on medium to avoid burning the cheese. Non-stick pans are ideal for this recipe to prevent the cheese from sticking and tearing when you try to wrap it around the pickle. A spatula will help in flipping and wrapping the cheese neatly.

    Additional Flavors: For those who enjoy a bit of spice, adding a sprinkle of chili flakes to the cheese before adding the pickle can elevate the snack. Or even try using hot dill pickles for an extra punch.


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Prep time 5mins
Cook time 5mins
Serves or Makes: 1 serving

Recipe Card


  • Sliced cheese (such as cheddar, Swiss, or provolone)
  • Dill pickles spears (or sweet, based on preference)


  • Step 1

    Place slices of cheese in a frying pan over medium heat.

  • Step 2

    Once the cheese starts to melt, place a pickle in the center. As the edges of the cheese begin to crisp, carefully roll the pickle in the cheese, ensuring the cheese wraps around the pickle completely.

  • Step 3

    Allow the cheese-wrapped pickle to cool slightly on a paper towel before serving for a crisp exterior and a gooey, flavorful interior.