Lemon Honey Syrup
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Prep time 10mins
Cook time 30mins
Serves or Makes: 1 quart

Recipe Card


  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 2 pounds (about 10) small lemons


  • Step 1

    Pour a few tablespoons of honey into a clean, 1-quart glass jar. Trim the ends of one lemon, then slice into ¼” thick rounds. Layer all of the slices over the honey, overlapping them to the edge of the jar, then pour more honey overtop. Repeat with the remaining lemon slices and honey until jar is full, topping off with a layer of honey. Close jar tightly and refrigerate for at least 6 hours (preferably overnight) to coax out lemon juice, inverting the jar periodically in the first few hours to make sure syrup is combined. Lasts for up to two weeks in the fridge.